Start Getting Unstuck Session:
Take the first step towards a life that you love!
You wake up in the morning, with a sense of dread in the pit of your stomach, wondering how you ended up where you are in your life - maybe you thought you’d be farther along. You feel like you’re off track. Something is definitely not right, as you start yet another day, logging into your computer for work, hoping something different will happen today, but it doesn’t.
Perhaps you can relate.
There’s this nagging “stuck” feeling deep down inside, where a part of you knows that maybe you’re in the wrong job, the wrong career, the wrong relationship, the wrong life, and you know that this unsettled feeling it isn’t going away unless you do something.
Maybe you feel like you’re just going through the motions, not really passionate about what you are doing everyday, and wondering, whose life are you living, anyway.
You know you’re meant to do more, be more, but don’t know how to begin.
Sure you’ve read a pile of self-help books, but isn’t it funny, they really haven’t been that helpful.
Maybe you had a soul-stirring time at a type of Find Your Authentic Self retreat in Bali, only to have that great feeling fizzle within 72 hours of coming back to your “real life”, the life that you needed a vacation from.
The good vibes barely lasted, and you’re back to where you started.
There’s this helpless feeling of not knowing what you should do next. You’ve watched a gazillion YouTube videos, each promising the magic formula, and that only adds to the confusion and overwhelm.
And so, you do nothing.
Instead, imagine you woke up in the morning, eager to start your day.
Where you can’t help but smile, at the thought of the awesome life you’re living now, the life that not too long ago was a distant and elusive dream.
Perhaps you’re in a relationship now - one that feeds your soul and lights you up.
Maybe you’re starting that dream business you always wanted, but were afraid to do it.
Imagine doing the things you’re passionate about, because you’re inspired and energized by your life.
You look at your life now, and have a feeling you never knew existed – you’re happy!
You’re living your dreams, and boy does that feel good. This is a life you don’t need a vacation from, where people look at you and ask, “What is it that you are doing differently? I want that too.”
You scroll social media aimlessly, wishing your life looked like what everyone else had, and as a result you’re wishing your life away.
You wonder what happened to the earlier version of you who had dreams and aspirations. When did you fall off-track?
You look at your present life and ask yourself, “whose life are you living now, really?”
You’re almost embarrassed to keep complaining about how awful your life is to anyone with a heartbeat who will listen to you carry on about your non-existent or awful love life, your lousy job, your _________ fill in the blank.
You promise yourself that this is the weekend you’re going to finally focus on what your dream life could look like. But after a mind-numbing week at the daily grind, you are exhausted, and put off working on your dreams for another day. That day never comes, sending you further into a funk.
And so, you do nothing. Again.
Hi, I’m Tina, and I totally get how you’re feeling.
I’ve been there too, so I’m inspired to help people who feel stuck in some area of their lives or careers. The ones who (maybe like you) know that something has to change, but can’t pinpoint what it is. I work with them to uncover what they really want and guide them to create a life that makes them feel happy and fulfilled.
It’s time for you to get going and get happy!
What are you waiting for?
When you sign up for my START GETTING UNSTUCK session:
We’re going to dive into discovering what’s possibly got you stuck in your life and start the ball rolling in the right direction — the direction of your dreams.
Don’t know what your dreams are? No need to worry - we’ll pull back the curtain and uncover what desires are hidden deep inside of you.
Something has to change but don’t know what? We’ll figure it out.
As a result of the START GETTING UNSTUCK session, you’ll:
Have clear first steps to loving your life again.
Feel energized to go after your goals and dreams as the stuck feeling lifts.
Know that you have the power to change your life and it feels good.
Be excited to start your day and finally do the things you love.
Pre-session Head Start Questionnaire:
You’ll start by filling out a questionnaire I’ll send you, so I have an idea where you need help the most and how we can make the most of our time together. This gives us a head start, so we hit the road running and really make some headway in our session. We’ll focus on what is most important to you. Doesn’t it feel good already to know you’re doing something about it?
Start Getting Unstuck Strategy Session:
Feel the shift already. You’re about to change the status quo of your life, and this session is going to help light the way to what is possible for you. In this powerful one-hour virtual meeting, we’ll dive deeper into what’s really going on in your life. You’ll be surprised - sometimes issues pop up that you never could have figured out yourself. That is the power of working with a coach, who can help you see the blind spots.
Feel good that you’ll get clear on at least one thing that is holding you back from creating the life you want and how you can move forward in the right direction. By the end of the hour, you’ll feel great knowing that you have a couple actionable steps to take. You’ll feel empowered knowing that you’re taking some real action towards a life that feels amazing.
Check-in emails
To keep the energy moving forward and to continue supporting you during the two weeks between our session and the follow-up meeting, I’ll check in with you twice to support you as you work on your action steps. This will be a great time to let me know if you’ve had any aha’s, insights, and possible roadblocks. I want to make sure you feel good about the direction you are going.
Keep the Momentum Follow-Up Session
Two weeks later, we’ll get together again for 30 minutes to follow up and talk about what you’ve discovered. You’ll share your aha’s or any roadblocks you’ve run into, mindset shifts and anything else that comes up during that time.
You’ll feel good that you have already made progress on your journey. And if there is a loose end that needs some attention, no problem, we can take a look at it during this follow-up session. If it makes sense, we can easily give you more action steps to take, to keep your momentum going long after our time together ends!
Let’s get started on your journey to creating a life you love.
Ready to get started? Perfect! Here’s what to do next.
Step 1. Make your payment here:
Step 2. Within 24 hours of making your payment, you’ll receive an email from me with your prep work form and instructions for booking your session.
Step 3. Then we’ll meet for our one-hour session where you’ll start working on creating the life you want.
(Due to its nature, this package can only be purchased and used once a year)
Have any questions I can answer? Email me.